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A Gift From Nebula Ave.!

February 3, 2024 - Convention Announcements

Nebula Ave. has given each attendee a doll-sized mini pin! You’ll find yours in your registration bag at check-in!

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Thank You, Ring Doll!

January 22, 2024 - Sponsor Announcements

Our sponsor Ringdoll sent this beautiful little lady, a blank Bi Luo Chun, to us as a door prize! Her new owner’s name will be drawn at 12 noon on Saturday, February 17th. All attendees are automatically entered into the door prize drawings

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Roomate and Ride Share Forum

If you’re looking for someone to share a room or a ride for DollCon Dallas, check out the threads in this forum! You have to be logged into the website to access the community and forums.

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Solicitation Reminder

January 15, 2024 - Uncategorized

Individuals or groups may not advertise, promote, give away literature or items, or solicit our attendees in any manner for any reason. This includes promoting services such as sewing, faceups, crafts, etc. You may not promote, advertise, give information, or approach DCD attendees on behalf of organizations, conventions, meetups, groups, political or religious ideation, artists, […]

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Thank You Denver Doll Emporium!

January 5, 2024 - Donations

Our vendor and sponsor, Denver Doll Emporium, has donated a Resinsoul Isabella, a Doll Leaves Hilo, two Dream Valley artbooks, doll clothing, and shoes as door prizes! In addition, they’ve sent a little plushie for each attendee – look for them in your registration bag.

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Presenter Announcement: Jennette Bullock

November 10, 2023 - Presenters

Jennette Bullock is a doll collector and customizer. She’ll be explaining the processes used to dye resin and vinyl dolls and taking part in our fashion doll diversity and inclusion panel!

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