It’s time to announce our big update!
DollCon Dallas is happy to now offer its own online community to help stay connected with all things DCD. We’ve been working hard to make a simple, inclusive community and are so excited to have a single place where we can come together and plan for upcoming convention years!
The website will function as it always has, just with new features, including a forum, timeline feature, friend connections, and private messaging. Everything is fully integrated with the accounts you have already made in the past to purchase tickets and merchandise, meaning you only need one account for everything.
We do want to stress that this new community will NOT be replacing our Facebook group or Discord server. Instead, this new community is meant to be convention-focused. Here’s just a quick look at some of the things we’ll focus on in our new community:
- Interact with vendors and get previews of what they’ll be selling each year.
- Ask questions about the convention
- Plan room parties or find roommates for hotel stays
- Transfer your badge if you can’t make it to the convention after all
- Advertise what you plan to bring to the annual Swap & Sell
If you’re not on the site yet, go sign up!
On top of this new addition, if you haven’t signed up for email updates yet, go sign up here:
Emails will be sent out about once a month until the convention gets a bit closer. From there, we will be sending out all notices about the convention via email and posting announcements exclusively to our website.