Have an idea for a panel, workshop or activity? Let us know!

Suggestion Guidelines

  • Time– Panel slots are 45 minutes. Workshops can be no more than an hour and 45 minutes.
  • Cost – Workshops can cost no more than $15 per student, which must be the actual price of materials. Presenters may not be compensated for their time in any way.
  • No Evening Activities – Our contract with the hotel does not include evening hours, as the added expense of second-shift operations is too costly. The DCD rooms are unavailable after 5 p.m. on Saturday, but attendees can set up room parties. They can also organize dinners, drinks, and other non-sale/swap events in the hotel or offsite.
  • No Food Events – Our contract prohibits food in the DollCon Dallas rooms without a catering contract.
  • Prohibited Items – Prohibited items include but are not limited to, electrical appliances, sharp cutting instruments (ex: X-Acto knives), sanding, glitter, and messy crafts.

Suggestion Form

Can be someone other than yourself. MUST be a full name and not a handle/username/one-word nickname.